Monitoring as a Service:

This service is provided from our Du Pont Earth Station in Trentham, New Zealand as is defined as Monitoring-as-a-Service.

The service will give users access to Gateway Space Operations SPECTRAS Online Spectrum Anaylzer Portal.

This will allow users to access a number of satellites and transponders. Currently Gateway can offer access to all transponders on Optus’ D3 satellite NZ Beam, and all transponders on Eutelsat’s 172B satellite C-Band Beam.

We will be adding two antennas in the next 2 months, one is C-Band and the other is Ku-Band. Both antennas are fully motorized and can be motored to any satellite that is in the Earth Station’s visible Orbital Arc of 120E to 183E and have footprints visible from New Zealand.

Users can configure the transponders they wish to monitor as well as parameters and alarms.

Usage plans will be offered for short-term or long-term contracts.

Eutelsat E172B C-Band Vertical Polarity

Eutelsat E172B C-Band Transponder C-09